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The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program provides a pathway for providers of long term and post-acute care services to journey towards performance excellence. The program is based on the core values and criteria of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program.

American Health Association (AHCA)
Bronze Quality Award 2024
Level 1: Bronze Award - Commitment to Quality
The goal of this award level is to provide applicants with the tools and resources they need to achieve performance improvement.

American Health Association (AHCA)
Silver Quality Award 2010
Level 2: Silver Award - Achievement in Quality
At this level, applicants continue to learn and develop effective approaches that help improve performance and health care outcomes.

American Health Association (AHCA)
Bronze Quality Award 2008
Level 1: Bronze Award - Commitment to Quality
The goal of this award level is to provide applicants with the tools and resources they need to achieve performance improvement.
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